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easy exercises

This article will let you know about the ab exercises you can do at your desk. These exercises will surely strengthen your abs, that too without sweating at the gym for hours, so read on…

Nowadays, no one has time to go to the gym and spend hours working out. Forget working out, we do not seem to find a decent chunk of time to take a short walk! This lack of exercises lead to many problems. Obesity and body ache are the two main health problems we might suffer from if we don’t engage in physical exercises. We try to curb almost all health problems by taking unlimited painkillers when we know that most of these problems can be solved by regular exercise. But as stated earlier, one does not have time for running and squatting, due to hectic lifestyle and busy work schedules. To solve your problem, why not try doing some ‘exercises at your desk‘ while working? These are easy to do, and I am sure most of you are aware of these exercises. These exercises are not only limited to hand and leg workout. There are many easy ab exercises you can do at your desk. These exercises are simple and effective as the regular exercises to lose belly fat. So, let’s take a look at some easy exercises you can do at your desk.

Easy Exercises You can Do at Work

Ab Squeeze Workout: This is one of the simplest yet effective ab exercises at your desk. To perform this exercise, sit straight on your chair and keep your feet flat on the floor or mat. Make sure back remains straight all the time. Now slowly inhale and contract your abdominal muscles. Hold on the position for about 10 to 20 seconds, and relax. Repeat 10 times throughout the day. After you are used to this basic exercise, you can try contracting sideways. Initially, you might find it difficult, so do not straightaway start with sideways squeeze. This ab exercise will help in strengthening the abdominal muscles. This is one of the most effective ab exercises you can do at your desk anytime of the day.

Ab Twists: This is an easy exercise to do at your desk. For this you will need a water bottle. What you have to do is, keep the hips and knees forward, hold the bottle at chest level and twist to the left, go as far as you can. You will feel your abs contract, if you do not feel anything, stretch a little more. Hold the same position for a few seconds and then return back to the original position. Repeat 10 times. Do not stress yourself, or you will end up with an injury. Do only 10 repetitions everyday. This lower abdominal exercise will surely help to tone the abdominal muscles.

abdominal muscles

Leg Lifts: You must be aware of the leg lift exercise, but as you know, it has to be performed, standing. But this exercise is one of the best abdominal exercises that you can do at your desk, sitting. To perform it, sit straight on your chair and place your hands on the desk. Now slowly lift your knees towards your chest, hold the position for 5 seconds then slowly lower them back. Exhale and then again lift them up, inhale while raising them. It becomes a little difficult to do more than 5 – 10 repetitions at one go, so do not do more than that for a couple of days. Later, when your abs get stronger, you can increase the count.

Knee Pull: Doing this abdominal exercise at your desk will help you tone the abs, strengthen the lower back and also the hip flexors. Press your back against your chair and wrap your fingers around the hands of the chair. Straighten your back, tuck in your abdominal muscles and extend your legs in front of you. Lift your feet about 24 inches off the ground and then pull your knees towards your chest. At this position, make sure your back remains straight. Hold the position for about 3 seconds, then extend your legs. Do not let your feet touch the ground between repetitions. Repeat this office exercise 5 times.

These were some of the easy ab exercises you can do at your desk. As you must have observed all these ab workouts are very easy, so performing them regularly should not be a problem. Do remember that only consistency pays off, so get rid of your laziness and perform these exercises regularly without fail.

exercises your